Services offered by Gage Animal Hospital extend from physical wellness examinations and vaccinations to full laboratory testing, advanced diagnostics, and complex surgical procedures. Please review our services below. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at any time.
Wellness & Preventive Care

At GAH, we believe preventive veterinary care is the cornerstone of keeping your cat happy, healthy, and by your side for a very long time. Since cats age more quickly than humans do, annual wellness exams are critical for early detection, recognition, and timely intervention of medical conditions. During a comprehensive physical exam, a GAH veterinarian will assess:
- Overall Body Condition
- Eyes
- Ears
- Nose
- Mouth
- Throat
- Heart and Lungs
- Abdominal Organs
- Musculoskeletal System
- Neurologic System
- Urogenital System
- Lymph Nodes
- Skin/Coat
- Which (if any) immunizations are needed. GAH follows American Veterinary Medical Association and American Animal Hospital Association recommended guidelines in the administration of vaccines.
- The need for parasite prevention, including heartworm, intestinal parasites, and ectoparasites (fleas, ticks, etc.).
If health problems are identified, the examining veterinarian will develop a treatment plan to address the conditions. Annual age-appropriate lab tests, testing for heartworm and/or tick-borne diseases, and fecal tests for parasites may also be recommended for your cat.
Finally, your cat’s nutrition, diet, and exercise routines can be assessed and optimized to help your cat be in best physical condition for their lifestyle and age. Remember, keeping up with preventive care is the best way to keep your cat happy and healthy for life.
Our veterinarians are licensed to complete documents and issue certificates necessary for intrastate and international travel or relocation of pets.
Internal Medicine & Diagnostics

When your cat is ill, a thorough physical examination is performed and a medical history, including symptoms you notice at home, is compiled by our veterinarians. If a diagnosis is not immediately evident upon initial assessment, your veterinarian will recommend specific diagnostic tests.
Diagnostic testing is an important step in the development of a treatment plan for your cat, allowing the veterinarians at GAH to most effectively target the underlying problem(s) and assess the probability of successful treatment. Our veterinarians can explain the purpose of each diagnostic test for your cat, and help prioritize which tests may be most helpful in determining the cause of your cat’s illness. At GAH, these tests may include:
- Laboratory testing for baseline blood cell counts and organ function tests, or infectious disease. Blood and/or urine samples may be collected from your cat for tests to be performed at GAH, or for tests to be sent to reference laboratories.
- Diagnostic imaging such as x-rays (digital radiography), contrast radiology studies, and ultrasound. These images or studies allow for accurate diagnosis of conditions of the heart and lungs, gastrointestinal obstruction, tumors of the internal organs or bones, fluid in the chest or abdominal cavity, urinary stones or gall stones, reproductive diseases, and bone/joint disorders. For most patients, gentle restraint can be used for these procedures, however in some cases sedation may be necessary. If additional interpretation of any diagnostic images is needed, our veterinarians are able to instantly send those to a board-certified radiologist.
- Microscopy for the evaluation of lab samples such as ear swabs, skin impressions and scrapes, and needle biopsies of tumors. These tests are helpful in diagnosis of dermatologic and otic (ear) conditions.
- Ocular evaluations to assess tear production (Schirmer Tear Test), corneal injuries (fluorescein stain), or abnormal intra-ocular pressures (Tonometry).
Following diagnosis of the health condition, your veterinarian will develop a treatment plan. Conditions and illnesses we diagnose and treat include:
- Anemia and other blood-related illnesses
- Cancer
- Causes of diarrhea, vomiting, and other gastrointestinal problems, including inflammatory bowel disease and protein-losing enteropathies in the digestive tract
- Complications from aging
- Fever
- Hormone-related problems, such as diabetes, thyroid conditions, Addison’s disease and Cushing’s disease
- Immune system problems
- Infections and infectious diseases
- Kidney failure and urinary problems
- Liver, spleen and pancreas dysfunction
- Lung and respiratory ailments, including asthma
- Unexplained weight loss
The skin generally mirrors the overall health of your cat. A comprehensive dermatological examination and cytology may include:
- Skin scrapings
- Hair exam
- Bacterial culture
- Fungal culture
- Skin biopsies
Testing can be performed to identify environmental allergens to determine if immunotherapy may be beneficial for your cat.
In addition to skin, dermatological disease may involve the hair, ears, and claws. These diseases may be caused by allergies (i.e., inhalants, direct contact, food allergy), parasitic infection (i.e., mange, mites, fleas, and lice), bacterial infection, fungal infection (i.e., ringworm, Malassezia yeast), endocrine disorders, emerging cancers, and immune-mediated diseases.
Whether it is a routine procedure such as a neuter or spay, or a complicated orthopedic procedure such as a fracture repair, the doctors and nursing staff at GAH are always aware of the responsibility you, our client, have entrusted to us. We strive to ensure every aspect of our anesthesia protocol, surgical care, and post-surgical pain management meets the highest standards in veterinary medicine. Procedures routinely performed at GAH include, but are not limited to:
Abdominal Surgery
- Gastrointestinal surgery
- Urinary tract surgery
- Biopsy
- Tumor removal surgery
- Perineal Urethrostomy
Integument (skin)
- Laceration repair
- Excise skin tumors
- Dermal biopsies
- Anal sac extirpation
- Declawing – at doctor’s discretion
- Reconstructive Surgery
Orthopedic Surgery
- Fracture repair
- Reduction of dislocations
- Femoral head ostectomy
- Patellar luxation repair
- Prosthetic repair of ACL injury
- Limb amputation
Eye/Eyelid Surgery
- Superficial keratectomy
- Tarsorrhaphy
- Enucleation
- Entropion/ectropion eyelid plasty
Ear Surgery
- Surgical drainage of aural hematoma
- Reconstructive surgery
- Lateral ear canal resection (Zepp)
- Total ear canal ablation
- Excise aural tumors
Oral Surgery
- Excise oral tumors
- Repair jaw fracture
Scheduled surgeries are performed between 10am and 2pm daily, often allowing your cat to return to your care by 5pm. Some surgeries require an overnight stay.
We recommend pre-anesthesia blood screening for every cat that is to undergo surgery. An individualized anesthesia plan is formulated for each patient. Heart rate, respiration rate, ECG, temperature, and oxygen saturation monitors are utilized throughout all surgeries. To facilitate patient comfort and recovery, our surgical protocol requires that every cat receive intravenous fluids during surgery, and pain relief following surgery.
After surgery, staff will call with an update to discuss the surgery and anticipated release. At the time of release, the veterinary team will discuss post-surgical care and follow-up visits with you. A complimentary post-surgical recheck evaluation and suture removal are included in the cost of surgery.
Any rare or complex surgeries for which our veterinarians have not established proficiency are referred to Blue Pearl Veterinary Medical Specialty Hospital in Overland Park, Kansas.
Surgery Consent Form
One of the most common but also frequently overlooked health problems for cats is dental disease. By age 3, most cats have some degree of periodontal disease. This occurs as a result of bacterial infection along the gum line, due to the formation of plaque. Plaque is a sticky substance containing millions of bacteria that forms along the tooth surface and gum line. Without frequent removal, plaque eventually hardens into tartar. Left untreated, this leads to gradual destruction of the gum tissue and supportive structures around the teeth, which can result in tooth loss. Not only is periodontal disease harmful and painful because it results in loss of teeth, but it can also cause damage to important vital organs such as the:

- Heart
- Liver
- Lungs
- Kidneys
When it comes to dental disease, most pet owners do not realize the extent of the problem until it is quite advanced; hence the importance of yearly to twice yearly dental examinations. In the early stages of dental disease, we can recommend home dental health care measures such as tooth brushing, dental treats and rinses, and dental diets. When professional dental care is needed for your cat, general anesthesia is necessary. Your veterinarian will discuss the procedures involved in a COHAT (comprehensive oral health assessment and treatment) plan with you when dental care is needed. Most often, this will involve a day at GAH to plan and perform the procedures, which will include:
- Pre-operative lab work
- IV catheterization
- General anesthesia
- Dental X-Rays (digital radiography)
- Teeth cleaning and polishing
- Dental charting
- Extractions, when indicated
Upon discharge, the veterinary team will review any instructions pertaining to post-dental medications, special feeding instructions, and when to resume home dental care.
GAH is proud to offer cat boarding, under the supervision of our veterinary team. By choosing us, you can rest assured that if your cat has a health problem while you are away, they will be in trained hands to contact you and recommend appropriate diagnostics and treatment. For our feline boarding guests, we require the following:
- Current rabies and FVRCP vaccinations
- Current health assessment (within past year)
- Current veterinary prescribed flea and tick control
- Negative test for Feline Leukemia within the past year
Premium boarding services are provided in a safe, clean environment. Cat boarding facilities include:
- Separate, dedicated cat ward
- Elevated beds with fresh linens provided once daily, more frequently if soiled.
- Feliway “relaxed cat” pheromones continuously circulated throughout wards to calm and comfort cats
- Stainless steel water and food dishes washed and sanitized once daily, more frequently if soiled.
- Maintain feeding schedule similar to home environment with owner-provided food from home to reduce the risk of gastrointestinal discomfort
- Fresh filtered water provided at all times.
- Small hideaways within kennel provided for timid cats.
- Litter boxes changed and sanitized each morning and throughout the day as needed.
- Each kennel completely sanitized every morning and throughout the day if soiled
- Climate controlled to 72 degrees F year-round
Upon check-in, a complimentary boarding examination will be performed by the veterinarian. If fleas are observed on your cat, a fast-acting oral systemic flea treatment (Capstar®) will be administered.
Boarding Consent Form
Grooming services at GAH are for healthcare purposes only. These services include:
- Medicated shampoo baths as recommended by the veterinarian
- Basic shave-downs to preserve skin health
- Comb-outs of heavily matted fur, performed under anesthesia
- Pedicures
- Ear Cleaning
- Expression of anal glands
- Sedation offered for high-anxiety cats
GAH also provides basic grooming services for animals requiring sedation/anesthesia.
GAH does not perform cosmetic grooms and, therefore, does not have a professional groomer on staff.
Please note, grooming services are offered for pets of established clients only. “Established client” is defined as one that has visited GAH within the past year for, at minimum, a wellness exam and all recommended vaccinations.
Grooming Consent Form
We here at GAH love when kittens come to see us! Through our litter exams, we are able to establish a doctor-patient relationship from the very beginning of life. For our kittens newly adopted and adjusting to their new homes, we provide preventative and wellness care as well as advice and recommendations regarding kitten care and training.
Our Kitten Services Include:
- Litter Exams
- Deworming treatments
- Vaccines
- Spays/Neuters
- Microchipping
Kitten package:
Our Kitten Package Includes:
- Two Health assessments
- Full series of recommended kitten vaccinations
- Dewormer medication
- Fecal analysis
- 4 lbs bag of kitten food
- Wellness blood panel
- 1 Revolution Plus treatment (Flea/tick)
- 10% off spay/neuter
In total our kitten package saves 30% on vaccines.
Kitten Package